Remotely Guided Forest Therapy Walk

Connecting to Nature is needed now more than ever, for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

The medicine of the forest is the antidote to our modern stressful lifestyles The practice of Virtual Forest Bathing is a way of immersing our senses in the atmosphere of the forest for relaxation and positive health and wellness benefits from wherever you can be alone in nature, and equally from the comfort of your home or office.

As we strengthen our connection with the natural world, our sense of beauty, wonder, awe and curiosity is restored and our brains and nervous systems are calmed. Stress levels are lowered and the immune system is boosted as you connect to the forest with the help of technology.

For Who?

Anyone can join, any age, from any part of the World. Even if you can not leave your home, if you are in a city. Everyone is Welcome.

The Logistics

Download Zoom App to your phone -
Make sure you have good reception, headphones and that your phone is charged so that you have enough battery for the whole walk (2 hours)

How Much?

Please confirm your participation in this experience by filling out the registration form in the Upcoming events and making your payment through the PayPal option there.

When I receive the confirmation of your payment, I will email you the link to access the experience and some tips on how to make the most of this experience.


Find a place in nature near where you are, your garden, back yard, at home by a window. A place that feels good to you and where you can be for 2 hours. At the time of the walk press the link I send you.

Upcoming Events

september, 2024